Fraud Protection
Ashop Commerce is integrated with MaxmindTM fraud protection network. For a small monthly fee you can have all your orders automatically checked. This will provide a fraud score for each order. The fraud score is generated by comparing the user-entered data and the detailed information provided by their IP address. You can also view more detailed information about each fraud score to determin specific factors.
You can activate your Fraud detection via the "Order Details" Page in your admin panel by clicking on the MaxMind fraud detection image. -- See below for screenshots ---
Fraudster techniques are becoming more and more advanced by the month.
Techniques used in online shopping fraud are becoming more and more sophisticated. Traditional fraud screening tools can only determine if a credit card is legitimate or if the end-user-entered credit card information matching those on record. Today, fraudsters can obtain personal credit card information, pose as the legitimate card holder, and bypass standard fraud checks.
Approach fraud from a different angle
MaxMind examines an online transaction from various angles. Their tools are not aimed at verifying the authenticity of the credit card used for the purchase, but rather, identifying if the purchaser is the legitimate card holder. Through analysis, MaxMindTM have been able to identify traits and patterns that are associated with fraudulent orders. By asking the right questions, e-commerce businesses are provided with the necessary information to detect fraudulent orders before the payment is processed.
Key Fraud Protection features include:
- Geographical IP address location checking
- High risk IP address and e-mail checking
- minFraudR Network
- Post query analysis
What is the minFraud Network?
Since the minFraud service is a hosted solution, it connects and consists of all the e-commerce businesses who are currently using the minFraud service. Currently, more than 6,000 e-commerce businesses are protected by the minFraud service through our client and partner networks. By combining feedback and resources from the minFraud network and delivering new features designed to combat emerging fraud trends, we are able to help merchants reduce chargebacks effectively.

Please Click here to view pricing.